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Initialisation of the Server Subsystem

The server module initialisation is launched by the application server--whenever the latter is explicitly started. The service deployment takes place at this time, and three elements must be defined for each service: the service name, the service interface and a servant.
The service name is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), as define in the SOAP specifications (Box et al., 2000).
The service interface defines the method name, the parameter type and the parameter passing modes--the parameter names are not important but the order of parameters is (see ibid.). Each service interface must extend the XbService marker interface. The reader is directed to (Arnold & Gosling, 1998) for a definition of marker interfaces.
The servant is a delegate JavaBean that is reponsible for invoking the EJBs that actually implement the service. In very simple cases, the delegate may implement the service itself.
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