Need to encode many addresses? use the automated spam protection service.
Getting form spam? try FormSmarts.
Your e-mail address is stored in coded form and can only be revealed using a full JavaScript interpreter (more details about anti-spam encoding). A study shows that this technique alone is already efficient. Moreover, if you also select the challenge option below, it becomes very hard for a computer program to reveal your email address (more details about challenge).
As with a regular email link, clicking on a spam-protected link launches an e-mail client window. So, unless you select the challenge option, visitors will not even notice anything unusual.
Examples |
The JavaScript code generated here performs several non-trivial computational tasks to protect addresses against spam. This contrasts with the simple entity code replacement or string concatenation done by most anti-spam encoders. To be able to perform the computation prescribed in the script, a software application must be able to understand JavaScipt. All recent web browsers do. This is however not the case of webcrawlers. Why not?
A limitation of the previous approach is that it relies on a valid and complete program: given an appropriate tool, it can be executed and reveal your email address. We can resolve this by making the program computationally incomplete with regards to the information we are trying to hide. The program now does not contain your full email address, only part of it.
However, since we would (obviously) like legitimates users of your website to be able to contact you, we still need to store the missing information somewhere. Somewhere readily accessible to them, but not to crawlers. Here we store this information on a picture. Reading it on the picture is reasonably straightforward for humans, but it is a problem very hard to solve computationally.
It may occasionally happen that visitors of your website will have disabled JavaScript support in their browser. Since the spam protection relies on the use of JavaScript, these users will not be able to contact you using the encoded link. The approach taken here is to make sure the potential users are made aware of this, by redirecting them to this explanatory notice. They will then be able to at least temporarily turn on this feature in their browser.
RSS Anti-Spam Service Update Notification