
Selected Links

Sibelius monument, Helsinki, Finland

Title Author/Editor Comments

Computer Science

Journal of Object Technology (JOT) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Swizerland JOT is published exclusively online, it is completely free and of a very high standard
MIT OpenCourseWare for Computer Science
Bruce Eckel offers a free download of his fantastic books “Thinking in Java”, “Thinking in C++”, and others (the download site is mirrored here) Bruce Eckel
The Java Specialist Newsletter Heinz M. Kabutz, South Africa Excellent newsletter about advanced topics in Java
C++ Papers ODP List ODP
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)
Web Architecture from 50,000 feet Tim Berners-Lee Vision of the Web's future architecture from its inventor
Free Online Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC) Denis Howe -- hosted by Imperial College
The Linux Documentation Project Linux Documentation Project The great source of GNU/Linux documentation

Homepages of “VIPs”

Donald E. Knuth's hompage Donald Ervin Knuth
EWD manuscripts archive Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
Kristen Nygaard's homepage Kristen Nygaard
Ole-Johan Dahl's Homepage Ole-Johan Dahl

Cultural Resources

Sylang French translation service.
The Elements of Style William Strunk, Jr. Online version of the classic writing style concise reference book.
Poésie Française (in French) Webnet
Trésor de la Langue Française Informatisé or TLFi (in French) CNRS, ATILF, Université Nancy 2 Encyclopédie française très detaillée incluant des fonctionnalités de recherche avancées
Gallica: digital collections of the French national libray (in French or English) Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF)
Quelques 80 000 citations (in French) site commerçial
Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia Wikipedia open project The free web encyclopedia.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare online Jeremy Hylton at MIT and, of course, Bill himself :-)
European Terminology Database (Eurodicautom) European Commission A sophisticated phrase translation tool, ranging 48 subject areas and 12 languages