Title | Author/Editor | Comments |
Computer Science |
Journal of Object Technology (JOT) | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Swizerland | JOT is published exclusively online, it is completely free and of a very high standard |
MIT OpenCourseWare for Computer Science |
MIT | |
Bruce Eckel offers a free download of his fantastic books “Thinking in Java”, “Thinking in C++”, and others (the download site is mirrored here) | Bruce Eckel | |
The Java Specialist Newsletter | Heinz M. Kabutz, South Africa | Excellent newsletter about advanced topics in Java |
C++ Papers ODP List | ODP | |
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures | National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) | |
Web Architecture from 50,000 feet | Tim Berners-Lee | Vision of the Web's future architecture from its inventor |
Free Online Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC) | Denis Howe -- hosted by Imperial College | |
The Linux Documentation Project | Linux Documentation Project | The great source of GNU/Linux documentation |
Homepages of “VIPs” |
Donald E. Knuth's hompage | Donald Ervin Knuth | |
EWD manuscripts archive | Edsger Wybe Dijkstra | |
Kristen Nygaard's homepage | Kristen Nygaard | |
Ole-Johan Dahl's Homepage | Ole-Johan Dahl | |
Cultural Resources |
Sylang | French translation service. | |
The Elements of Style | William Strunk, Jr. | Online version of the classic writing style concise reference book. |
Poésie Française (in French) | Webnet | |
Trésor de la Langue Française Informatisé or TLFi (in French) | CNRS, ATILF, Université Nancy 2 | Encyclopédie française très detaillée incluant des fonctionnalités de recherche avancées |
Gallica: digital collections of the French national libray (in French or English) | Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) | |
Quelques 80 000 citations (in French) | site commerçial | |
Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia | Wikipedia open project | The free web encyclopedia. |
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare online | Jeremy Hylton at MIT and, of course, Bill himself :-) | |
European Terminology Database (Eurodicautom) | European Commission | A sophisticated phrase translation tool, ranging 48 subject areas and 12 languages |