
LaTeX Math Symbols and Corresponding HTML Entities

If the leftmost column below shows ≡, a square or nothing instead of the actual symbol, your browser does not support HTML entities; please use the picture version of this document instead.

Relational Operators 3

Symbol LaTeX Command 2 HTML Entity 1 Comment
\equiv ≡
\approx ≈
\propto ∝
roughly equal \simeq
\sim ∼
\neq ≠
greater than or equal \geq
far greater than \gg
far lesser than \ll

Logic Symbols 3

Symbol LaTeX Command 2 HTML Entity 1 Comment
¬ \neg ¬
\wedge ∧
\vee ∨
\oplus ⊕
equivalence \Rightarrow
equivalence \Leftrightarrow
\exists ∃
\forall ∀

Set Symbols 3

Symbol LaTeX Command 2 HTML Entity 1 Comment
\cap ∩
\cup ∪
\supset ⊃
\subset ⊂
\emptyset ∅
integers \mathbb{Z} requires the amsfonts and amssymb packages.
\in ∈
\notin ∉
join \Join requires the latexsym package (present in most LaTeX distributions).

Miscellaneous Math Symbols 3

Symbol LaTeX Command 2 HTML Entity 1 Comment
\prime ′
\rfloor ⌋
\infty ∞

Non-English Characters & Accents

Symbol LaTeX Command 2 HTML Entity 1 Comment
é \'e é ‘e’ is only given here as an exemple, and the commands can be used with the other characters. Only ‘i’ and ‘j’ deserve special commands.
è \`e è
ê \^e ê
ë \"e ë
ñ \~n ñ
å \aa å
ï \"\i ï the cammands \i and \j are used to generate dot-less i and j characters.
ç \c{c} ç
ß \ss ß
æ \ae æ also \AE, \oe and \OE
£ \pounds £
\euro € several packages exist to provide support for the euro symbol, but one of them needs to be installed.

1 SGML entity references are available since HTML 4 in their named  form, and since HTML 2 in their numeric  equivalent — in both cases the document's character set must be ‘ISO 8859-1’.
2 If you do not find here what you are looking for, you may want to download the comprehensive LaTeX symbols guide.
3 In math mode in LaTeX.
Relational operators
Logic symbols
Set symbols
Miscellaneous symbols
Accented characters
See Also
LaTeX Symbols Converter