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Requirements Analysis

In this chapter, we present a refined model for XMLbroker, and then attempt a first approach to defining conceptual classes. To assist us with formulating the definition of the system in an explicit and unambiguous fashion, we adopt the formalisms of the Unified Modelling Language (UML).
Requirement specification documents are generally not presented with enough precision and coherence to be directly usable. In the present case however, the problem space is well defined by the W3C documents. By `well defined' we mean presented in a precise, coherent and unambiguous fashion. Whenever necessary, W3C documents make use of a formal notation (the augmented Backus-Naur Form) to achieve this. We are therefore left with the tasks of defining those parts of the W3C specifications that can realistically be implemented in a project of this time-scope--and of formulating any addition we make.

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up XMLbroker: An XML-Based Web Integration Middleware Prototype for the J2EE Platform using
previous Mapping to HTTP

Copyright © 2001 Jean-Marc Rosengard